I n t e r n a t i o n a l A r t i s t s & W r i t e r s R e s i d e n c e
The Chateau d'Orquevaux Experience
A l l C r e a t i v e s W e l c o m e


On September 9th, 1772 The daughter of Denis Diderot (1713-1784) Marie-Angelique Diderot (1753-1824) marries Abel Nicolas Francois Caroillon du Vandeul (1746-1813). Abel Caroillon du Vandeul in interest for the King of France was manager of the Ironworks the Comte d'Artois, Treasurer of France, Chief clerk of Finance (1785) and Director of the King's Domain.

One of many streets in France named after Denis Diderot. Diderot square with statue, Langres circa 1905

Abel and Marie have 2 children. Anne Marie who dies at infancy and Denis Simon (1775-1850) who was named after his grandfather... Sculpture of Bust attributed to Lemoyne, Jean-Baptiste II 1704 - 1778 "Mademoiselle Carroillan de Vandeul" Musée Cognacq-Jay, Paris

Denis Simon (1775-1850) who was named after his grandfather Denis Diderot passes away... Document of remembrance handed out from Denis's funeral listing the family members in attendance.

In approximately the 1760's Abel Caroillon du Vandeul acquires a farm furnace and metal forge, Jacquot at Orquevaux on Road Cul du Cerf, which had belonged to the Baron de Thiers... His son Denis who is a master blacksmith and French politician, will continue to run the Forge in Orquevaux...Around this time the family acquires the present property of Chateau Orquevaux...

Wax Seal of Caroillon du Vandeul Coat of arms. Chaumont archives

Baron Louis Antoine Crozat de Thiers (1700-1770) - Original owner of Metal Forge's and much of the land in Orquevaux...Baron de Thiers father was Antoine Crozat, marquis du Chatel (1655-1738) He was the largest French player in the slave trade and the first owner of Louisiana. He was considered the "richest man in Paris".

Denis's son, Eugene Abel Francois Caroillon du Vandeul, (1812-1870 died in Orquevaux) continues to operate the Forge - he is an Industrialist and Politician, Grandson of Abel Vandeul and Great-Grandson of Denis Diderot... (photo circa 1860)

Eugene's sister Anne Marie Wilhelmine Caroillon de Vandeul (1813-1900) marries The Baron Charles Levavasseur (1804-1894). The Baron's son Jacques is greatly influenced by the architecture of his family's estate during the design of the present Chateau d'Orquevaux...